توعية حول "الاستغلال الجنسي والتحرش بالأطفال عبر الإنترنت".

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كان لنا شرف الانضمام إلى نادي روتاري فيلادلفيا في هذه الجلسة المثيرة للاهتمام بعنوان "الاستغلال الجنسي والتحرش بالأطفال عبر الإنترنت". ونود أن نعرب عن تقديرنا للمتحدث السيد أيمن الرفاعي على أفكاره ومناقشته المثمرة.
We had the privilege in joining RC Philadelphia in this interesting session titled “Sexual exploitation and harassment of children through internet”. We would like to extend our appreciation to the speaker Mr Ayman Rifai for his insights and fruitful discussion.
توعية حول "الاستغلال الجنسي والتحرش بالأطفال عبر الإنترنت". 2024-08-02 21:00:00Z 0 #rotaryinaction #RotaryDistrict2452 #PeopleofAction #rotary_d2452con_2024 #Rotary_D2452con_2024 #RotaryInAction #Rotary #thinkgreen_livegreen #Rotary_D2452con_jordan #rotary #mothersday #createhopeintheworld

RY 24-25 Handover

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كان عاماً مميزاً، مليئاً بالكثير من النجاح والتحديات.شكرا رئيس سابق عبد الله على كل جهودك، لقد كان عامًا استثنائيًا. نتمنى للرئيس فراس عاما ناجحا ومزدهرا.
It was a outstanding year on all fronts, filled with plenty of success stories and challenges. Thank you PP Abduallah for all your efforts, it was an extraordinary year. We would like to wish P. Firas a fruitful successful and prosperous year .
RY 24-25 Handover 2024-07-22 21:00:00Z 0 #RotaryJordan #createhopeintheworld #RotaryDistrict2452 #PeopleofAction #Rotary #الروتاري #RotaryInAction #thinkgreen_livegreen #Rotary_D2452con_jordan #rotary_d2452con_2024
شعار منطقتنا الجديد 2024-07-08 21:00:00Z 0 #RotaryJordan #createhopeintheworld #RotaryDistrict2452 #PeopleofAction #Rotary #الروتاري #RotaryInAction #thinkgreen_livegreen #Rotary_D2452con_jordan #rotary_d2452con_2024

مؤتمر المنطقة الروتارية 2452

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لقد كان عاماً مميزاً على جميع الاصعدة ، حصل نادي روتاري قلعة عمان في مؤتمر المنطقة الروتارية 2452 وبحضور صاحبة السمو الملكي الاميرة بسمة بنت علي على الجوائز التالية :
It was a outstanding year on fronts, and we are honored to be awarded the following: TRF Gold
Service Silver
Youth Silver
Admin Gold
Membership Gold
Public Image Gold
Signifacant Service Award
BEST Attendance in Conference
Governer Citation Award
مؤتمر المنطقة الروتارية 2452 2024-07-07 21:00:00Z 0 #rotaryinaction #RotaryDistrict2452 #PeopleofAction #rotary_d2452con_2024 #Rotary_D2452con_2024 #RotaryInAction #Rotary #thinkgreen_livegreen #Rotary_D2452con_jordan #rotary #mothersday #createhopeintheworld

استضافة الدكتور نزار حداد (المدير العام للمركز الوطني للزراعة والبحوث)

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لقد كان من دواعي سرورنا استضافة الدكتور نزار حداد (المدير العام للمركز الوطني للزراعة والبحوث) كمتحدث لنا.  حيث ركز على دور الزراعة في ضمان الاستدامة والأمن الغذائي، فضلاً عن تقديم لمحة عامة عن إنجازات المركز الوطني للبحوث الزراعية.
استضافة الدكتور نزار حداد (المدير العام للمركز الوطني للزراعة والبحوث) 2024-04-21 21:00:00Z 0 #RotaryJordan #createhopeintheworld #RotaryDistrict2452 #PeopleofAction #Rotary #الروتاري #RotaryInAction #thinkgreen_livegreen #Rotary_D2452con_jordan #rotary_d2452con_2024

لتبرّع ب٢٠ كرسيًّا متحرّكًا حتى يتم توزيعها على كبار السن والأفراد من ذوي الإعاقة لتحسين أدائهم واستقلاليّتهم ورفاههما

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ضمن جهوده المستمرّة والرامية إلى خدمة المجتمعات المحليّة والفئات المستضعفة، قام وفد من نادي روتاري قلعة عمّان مؤخرًا بزيارة صندوق المعونة الوطنيّة، وتقديم دعمه للصندوق من خلال التبرّع ب٢٠ كرسيًّا متحرّكًا حتى يتم توزيعها على كبار السن والأفراد من ذوي الإعاقة لتحسين أدائهم واستقلاليّتهم ورفاههم.
وفي هذه المناسبة، أشاد السيّد عبدالله مزاهرة، رئيس نادي روتاري قلعة عمّان، بالدور الكبير الذي يلعبه صندوق المعونة الوطنيّة في تعزيز رفاه العائلات ميسورة الحال، قائلًا؛ "سعيدون بشراكتنا مع صندوق المعونة الوطنيّة في هذا الشهر الفضيل، لما يكرّسه الصندوق من جهود وطاقات في سبيل دعم مجتمعاتنا الأردنيّة وتحسين قدرات العائلات المستضعفة في مختلف النواحي".
وأضاف مزاهرة قائلًا؛ "نحن في نادي روتاري قلعة عمّان نسعى من خلال مختلف الأنشطة التي نعمل على تنفيذها إلى تقديم خدمات نوعيّة إلى العائلات والمناطق التي تحتاج إليها، وتُعد الكراسي المتحركّة أساسيّة لتمكين مستخدميها من تنفيذ أنشطتهم اليوميّة والمشاركة بنشاط في مجتمعاتهم".
بدورها، ثمّنت السيّدة ختام شنيكات، مديرة عام صندوق المعونة الوطنيّة، جهود نادي روتاري قلعة عمّان وتبرّعه بالكراسي المتحركّة، قائلة؛ "سيساهم هذا التبرّع في تحقيق أثر كبير وإيجابيّ على حياة الأفراد المنتفعين منه، وسيعمل على تحسين جودة الخدمات المقدّمة لكبار السن والأفراد من ذوي الإعاقة. ونحن نطمح إلى توطيد أواصر التعاون بين الصندوق ونادي روتاري بما يخدم المصلحة الفضلى لمجتمعاتنا، من خلال مختلف البرامج التي يركّز عليها الصندوق؛ ومنها التمكين الاقتصادي، بما في ذلك التدريب المهني والمشاريع الصغيرة لأفراد العائلات المنتفعة من الصندوق، إلى جانب برامج التأهيل الجسماني
لتبرّع ب٢٠ كرسيًّا متحرّكًا حتى يتم توزيعها على كبار السن والأفراد من ذوي الإعاقة لتحسين أدائهم واستقلاليّتهم ورفاههما 2024-04-08 21:00:00Z 0 #RotaryJordan #createhopeintheworld #RotaryDistrict2452 #PeopleofAction #Rotary #الروتاري #RotaryInAction #thinkgreen_livegreen #Rotary_D2452con_jordan #rotary_d2452con_2024

تشرف نادينا بالتبرع للقيام بعملية تصحيح البصر جديدة

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تشرف نادينا بالتبرع للقيام بعملية تصحيح البصر جديدة . إنه لشرف لنا دائمًا مساعدة الآخرين وخدمة مجتمعنا.
We are honored in assisting the vulnerable people in correcting their vision, by supporting their cataract operation. Always an honor to help others and service our community.
تشرف نادينا بالتبرع للقيام بعملية تصحيح البصر جديدة 2024-03-27 21:00:00Z 0 #RotaryJordan #createhopeintheworld #RotaryDistrict2452 #PeopleofAction #Rotary #الروتاري #RotaryInAction #thinkgreen_livegreen #Rotary_D2452con_jordan #rotary_d2452con_2024

 "The Role of Civil Organizations in Local Development."

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سعدنا باستضافة الدكتور فادي الداود كمتحدث لاجتماع هذا الأسبوع. وتمحورت النقاش حول "دور المنظمات المدنية في التنمية المحلية". وتحدث الدكتور الداود عن أهمية تلك المنظمات، مؤكدا على تأثيرها على نوعية الحياة، والتحسن الوضع الاجتماعي، والنمو الاقتصادي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، سلط الضوء على دور الروتاري الإيجابي في المجتمع وناقش كيف يمكن للأردن الاستفادة من هذا الدور لتعزيز نوعية الحياة بشكل عام.
We were delighted to host Dr. Fadi Al Daoud as our guest speaker this week. The session centered around "The Role of Civil Organizations in Local Development." Dr. Al Daoud outlined the significance of civil organizations, emphasizing their impact on the quality of life, social improvement, and economic growth. Additionally, he highlighted Rotary's crucial and positive role in our community and discussed how Jordan can leverage this role to enhance overall quality of life.
"The Role of Civil Organizations in Local Development." 2024-01-21 21:00:00Z 0 #RotaryJordan #createhopeintheworld #RotaryDistrict2452 #PeopleofAction #Rotary #الروتاري #RotaryInAction #thinkgreen_livegreen #Rotary_D2452con_jordan #rotary_d2452con_2024


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استضاف نادينا هذا الاسبوع الدكتورة لاريسا الاور، العضو المؤسس وأمين منظمة "الأردن خالي من التبغ"، حيث قدمت رؤى قيمة حول وضع التدخين في الأردن، إلى جانب استراتيجيات معالجة هذه القضية الخطيرة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، سعدنا بتقديم مبادرتنا لمكافحة التدخين، "BREATHE".
his week, we had the privilege of hosting Dr. Larissa Al Uar, a founding member and Secretary of Tobacco Free Jordan, as our guest speaker. She presented valuable insights on the smoking situation in Jordan, along with strategies to address this pressing issue. Additionally, we were delighted to introduce our anti-smoking initiative, "BREATHE."
"BREATHE." 2023-09-10 21:00:00Z 0 #RotaryJordan #createhopeintheworld #RotaryDistrict2452 #PeopleofAction #Rotary #الروتاري #RotaryInAction #thinkgreen_livegreen #Rotary_D2452con_jordan #rotary_d2452con_2024

Tuckman's 5 Dysfunctions.

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كان من دواعي سرور نادينا أن يستضيف السيد حسام فاخوري كمتحدث رئيسي حيث ناقش كيفية تعزيز روح الفريق من خلال طريقة اختلالات تاكمان الخمسة.
It was our pleasure to have Mr. Hussam Fakhoury as our guest speaker, discussing how to boost team spirit through Tuckman's 5 Dysfunctions.
#RotaryJordan #createhopeintheworld #RotaryDistrict2452 #PeopleofAction #Rotary #الروتاري #RotaryInAction #thinkgreen_livegreen #Rotary_D2452con_jordan #Rotary_D2452con_2024
Tuckman's 5 Dysfunctions. 2023-08-27 21:00:00Z 0

Enrich our membership experience.

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تشرف اعضاء النادي هذا الأسبوع بالاستماع إلى ر.س روزا شاهين (رئيسة لجنة العضوية في النادي) والتي كانت حول خطط اللجنة لهذا العام واستراتيجياتها لتعزيز دوي نادينا وإثراء تجربة عضويتنا.
We had the honor this week to hear from PP Rosa Shahin (Head of the Membership Committee) on the Committee’s plans and strategies to strengthen our club and enrich our membership experience.
Enrich our membership experience. 2023-08-20 21:00:00Z 0 #RotaryJordan #ImagineRotary #RotaryDistrict2452 #PeopleofAction #Rotary #الروتاري #RotaryInAction

General Assembly Meeting

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عقدنا هذا الأسبوع اجتماعًا للهيئة العامة حيث تداولنا العديد من الأمور المتعلقة بشؤون السنوية للنادي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، كان من دواعي سرورنا أن نستقبل ريهام الصغير كعضو جديد لدى نادينا ، وكما تم منح العضو زيد حداد دبوس بول هاريز.
This week, we held a general assembly meeting where we deliberated various matters concerning rotary affairs. Additionally, we were pleased to introduce Ms. Reham Al Zughier as our new member, and our member Zaid Haddad was awarded with Paul Harries pin.
General Assembly Meeting 2023-08-06 21:00:00Z 0 #RotaryJordan #ImagineRotary #RotaryDistrict2452 #PeopleofAction #Rotary #الروتاري #RotaryInAction

Amplifying Impact of Public Image

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جلسة تطويرية حول: تضخيم تأثير الصورة العامة من خلال استخدام أدوات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي للحصول على صورة روتاري إيجابية.
Development session on: Amplifying Impact of Public Image by utilizing the Social Media tools for positive Rotary image.
Amplifying Impact of Public Image 2023-07-30 21:00:00Z 0

District Conference 2452  awards

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We are proudly to announce that at this year’s District Conference 2452 that our club was honored to receive 4 gold awards (Community Service, Rotary Foundation, and Public Image) and 2 deliver awards (Youth, and Club Admin). Well done Citadels and may the coming years be filled with more outstanding achievements.
نفخر بأن نعلن أنه في مؤتمر المنطقة 2452 لهذا العام تم تكريم نادينا بالحصول على 4 جوائز ذهبية (خدمة المجتمع ومؤسسة الروتاري والصورة العامة) وتقديم جائزتين (الشباب ومسؤول النادي). ونأمل أن تمتلئ السنوات القادمة بمزيد من الإنجازات البارزة.
District Conference 2452 awards 2023-05-26 21:00:00Z 0

Fifth eye cataract operation

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انجزت لجنة المشاريع في نادي روتاري قلعة عمان هذا الأسبوع العملية الخامسة لعلاج إعتام عدسة العين. دائما نتشرف لمساعدة الآخرين وخدمة مجتمعنا.
This week, the Service Committee in Rotary Club of Amman Citadel completed the fifth eye cataract operation ,We are always honored to help others and serve our community.
Fifth eye cataract operation 2023-05-07 21:00:00Z 0

Business meeting

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A was held in relation to the budget for the Rotary Club of Amman Citadel for the upcoming rotary year of 2023. Different components of the budget were discussed for projects and development- including global grants. Members were also informed of the rules and regulations for 'Rotary Fellowship' snd details about the District Conference in Amman, this June. Rotarians PP Ghazi Dabbas and PP Rosa Shahin were pinned with Paul Harris pins for the 4th and 3rd time.
تم عقد اجتماع عمل فيما يتعلق بميزانية نادي روتاري قلعة عمان للسنة الدورية القادمة 2023. تمت مناقشة مكونات مختلفة من الميزانية للمشاريع والتنمية - بما في ذلك المنح العالمية. كما تم إطلاع الأعضاء على القواعد واللوائح الخاصة بتفاصيل "زمالة الروتاري" حول مؤتمر المنطقة في عمان ، في شهر يونيو من هذا العام. تم تثبيت الروتاريان PP Ghazi Dabbas و PP Rosa Shahin مع دبابيس Paul Harris للمرة الرابعة والثالثة.
Business meeting 2023-04-30 21:00:00Z 0

Rotary Club of Amman Citadel were pleased to distribute 168 food packages

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لنشر الفرح والأمل في هذا الموسم المبارك ، سُر أعضاء نادي روتاري قلعة عمان بتوزيع 168 حزمة غذائية على المحتاجين في أنحاء مختلفة من المدينة - والمحافظات المجاورة.
Spreading joy and hope in this holy season, members of the Rotary Club of Amman Citadel were pleased to distribute 168 food packages for people in need across different parts of the city - and nearby governorates.
Rotary Club of Amman Citadel were pleased to distribute 168 food packages 2023-04-16 21:00:00Z 0

the first quarter project of the Rotary Year 2022

قامت لجنة المشاريع في نادي روتاري قلعة عمان بانجاز مشروع الربع الاول من السنه الروتارية بالتبرع بجهاز مكيف ١ طن و الواح جبيره عدد ٢ Thermoplastic material
لمركز التأهيل المجتعي في مخيم وحدات في المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية - عمان.
The Services Committee of the Rotary Club of Amman Citadel completed the first quarter project of the Rotary Year by donating a 1 ton air-conditioner and 2 Thermoplastic material plates
For the Community Rehabilitation Center in Wihdat Camp in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Amman
the first quarter project of the Rotary Year 2022 2023-03-25 21:00:00Z 0

100% Attendance 

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Commitment, dedication and community service
The celebration of attendance  by all members of the Rotary Club of Amman Citadel
الالتزام والتفاني وخدمة المجتمع
الاحتفال بحضور كامل اعضاء نادي روتاري قلعة عمان
100% Attendance haidar ali 2023-03-07 21:00:00Z 0

7th Country Conference

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This week along with our Rotarian fellows in Jordan participated in the 7th Country Conference. The focus of the Conference was on improve collaboration and increase the impact of Rotary in Jordan In addition, we had the honor a number of members participated as speakers. In conclusion, the Rotary Clubs of Jordan Attendees gained insight into Rotary Jordan initiatives through presentations and panel discussions on topics such as membership, polio walk, finance, training, youth, and the upcoming regional conference in Beirut.
7th Country Conference 2023-02-05 21:00:00Z 0

H.E. Dr. Fares Braizat was our guest of honor

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استضاف نادي روتاري قلعة عمان معالي الدكتور فارس البريزات حيث تحدت معاليه عن أهمية قطاع السياحة وأثره على اقتصاد الأردن. واشار معاليه في بداية حديثة ان الأردن يعتبر متحف مفتوح. كما استعرض معالي الدكتور فارس اهم المواقع السياحية والاثرية في الأردن والى اهمية دعم هذا القطاع الحيوي. وفي نهاية حديثه حث معاليه المشاركين الى زيارة هذه المناطق ودعم السياحة المحلية.
H.E. Dr. Fares Braizat was our guest of honor and main speaker this week. H.E. Dr. Braziat's talk focused on tourism sector in Jordan. H.E. commenced the meeting by stating, “Jordan is an open museum”. Dr. Braziat stated the vitality of this sector on Jordan’s economic growth and development. In addition, H.E. Dr. Braziat shed light on some of the unique historical and archeological sites in Jordan. At the end, H.E. encouraged the participants to visit and explore these sites and support local tourism.
H.E. Dr. Fares Braizat was our guest of honor 2022-10-20 21:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Club of Amman Citadel celebrated 10 years of membership

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إحتفل أعضاء نادي روتاري قلعة عمان بمناسبة مرور 10 سنوات على تأسيسه,عشرة اعوام من
الزمالة وإحداث التغيير في المجتمع كان الاحتفال بأجواء رائعة مع أعضاء أندية الروتاري والأسرة والأصدقاء.
تم تكريم كل رئيس سابق للنادي من قبل الرئيس الحالي محفوظ سعيد لعملهم المميز على مر السنين.
كما تشرف أعضاء النادي بحضور الرئيس السابق رامي شعبان لكونه الرئيس المؤسس.
كما تضمنت الفعالية قرعة سحب التي سيتم تخصيص ريعها للمشروع الرئيسي للنادي لعمليات المياه البيضاء للعيون .
The Rotary Club of Amman Citadel celebrated 10 years of membership, fellowship and making a difference in the community in a fabulous '10-year anniversary' event with fellow Rotarians, family and friends.
Each Past President of the club was acknowleged by current President Mahfouz Said for their distinctive work over the years.
Past President Rami Shaban was also acknowledged for being the founding President.
The event also included a raffle draw proceeds of which will be allocated towards the club’s main service project of Cataract Surgeries.
The Rotary Club of Amman Citadel celebrated 10 years of membership 2022-10-03 21:00:00Z 0

the first quarter project of the Rotary Year

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قامت لجنة المشاريع في نادي روتاري قلعة عمان بانجاز مشروع الربع الاول من السنه الروتارية بالتبرع بجهاز مكيف ١ طن و الواح جبيره عدد ٢ Thermoplastic material
لمركز التأهيل المجتعي في مخيم وحدات في المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية - عمان.
The Services Committee of the Rotary Club of Amman Citadel completed the first quarter project of the Rotary Year by donating a 1 ton air-conditioner and 2 Thermoplastic material plates
For the Community Rehabilitation Center in Wihdat Camp in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Amman
the first quarter project of the Rotary Year 2022-09-24 21:00:00Z 0

Visit of the District Governor, George Azar

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في ختام زيارة محافظ المنطقة جورج عازار للاردن اجتمع برؤساء واعضاء نوادي الروتاري عمان فيلادلفيا و عمان كوزموبولتان و قلعة عمان. حيث قام بتزيين رؤساء النادي بدبابيسهم الرسمية ، وايضا تعليق دبوس الروتاري للأعضاء الجدد الذين انضموا مؤخرًا إلى أنديتهم.
كما رحب اعضاء النادي بزميلهم الجديد المحامي ليث النابلسي الذي نال عضوية النادي هذا اليوم.
At the end of the visit of the District Governor, George Azar, to Jordan, He met with the Presidents and members of the Rotary Clubs of Amman Philadelphia, Amman Cosmopolitan and Amman Citadel. He Honored the clubs presidents with their official pins, as well as pinned The Rotary pin for new members who had recently joined their clubs.
The members of the club also welcomed their new colleague, lawyer Laith Al-Nabulsi, who received his Rotary pin today.
Visit of the District Governor, George Azar 2022-09-15 21:00:00Z 0

visit the UNRWA office in Jordan

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قام اعضاء لجنة المشاريع في نادي روتاري قلعة عمان بزيارة إلى مكتب الاونروا في الأردن وذلك للعمل على المشاريع القادمة المشتركة مع الاونروا وكان التركيز على المشاريع البيئية في مدارس و مراكز الوكالة ، وايضا الوقوف على الاحتياجات الخاصة لتلك المدارس والمراكز الصحية والمناطق التي تعمل بها الانوروا داخل الاردن.
The Rotary Club of Amman Citadel Service Committee visited the UNRWA office in Jordan to work on the upcoming joint projects. The focus was on environmental projects in the Agency’s schools and centers, as well as identifying the special needs of these schools and health centers in the areas which UNRWA operates in Jordan.
visit the UNRWA office in Jordan 2022-09-06 21:00:00Z 0

General Assembly 

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The Rotary Club of Amman Citadel held a 'general assembly' meeting to discuss the year's strategic plans, projects and upcoming events (on the 29th of August, 2022).
General Assembly Haidar 2022-08-28 21:00:00Z 0

Awareness session on the importance of 'active listening'

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The Rotary Club of Amman Citadel held their 7th weekly meeting on August 22, 2022 and hosted Rania AlKhaledi and Dana Sawalha from DocJo - who gave a creative, interactive awareness session on the importance of 'active listening'. Through the activities, members reflected on how 'active listening' skills may affect both their professional and personal lives. Farah Rihani and guest Laith Nabulsi welcomed and thanked the guest speakers. 
On behalf of the club, President Mahfouz Said also thanked the speakers and presented them with certificates of appreciation.
Awareness session on the importance of 'active listening' Haidar 2022-08-21 21:00:00Z 0

The importance of 'Rotary Membership

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عقد كل من نادي روتاري قلعة عمان ونادي روتاراكت قلعة عمان اجتماعاً يركز على أهمية "عضوية الروتاري" في 15 أغسطس 2022. کما أكد الرئيس القادم عبد الله مزاهرة على كيفية تحسين مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية المستمدة من الاستبيان. والضرورات الإستراتيجية العامة للنادي وركائزه وقيمه الأساسية و دوره في تعزيز العضوية.أعقبها جلسة عصف ذهني تفاعلية سريعة. كما أضاف المتحدث الضيف PP وسام صوالحة ، رئيس لجنة العضوية على مستوى المنطقة ، نقاطًا رئيسية مقارنة بقيم عضوية الأندية الاخرى. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، رحب الأعضاء ترحيبا حارا بضيف الروتاري الدكتور راجات شيترافانشي من نادي روتاري بوني بانير ، الهند - وقام الرئيس بتبادل أعلام الناديين.
A meeting focusing on the importance of 'Rotary Membership' was jointly held by both the Rotary Club of Amman Citadel and Rotaract Club of Amman Citadel on August 15, August, 2022. Incoming President Abdalla Mazahreh emphasized on how KPIs derived from a survey will improve the club's overall strategic imperatives, pillars, and core values; in turn strengthening membership perspectives; which was followed by a quick, interactive brainstorming session.
Guest speaker PP Wissam Sawalha, Country Membership Chair, also added key points in comparison to other rotary clubs' membership values.
In addition to this, members warmly welcomed Rotary guest Rtn Dr. Rajat Chitravanshi from Rotary Club of Pune Baner, India - with the exchange of both clubs' flags.
The importance of 'Rotary Membership 2022-08-15 21:00:00Z 0

Dinner social gathering

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أقام رئيس نادي روتاري قلعة عمان ، محفوظ سعيد وزوجته رنا ، مأدبة عشاء اجتماعية ورحبوا ترحيبا حارا بأعضاء النادي وأصدقائهم في مقر إقامتهم. استمتع الضيوف بهذه الأمسية الفريدة من نوعها على طعام لذيذ وإعداد حديقة أنيقة مع أجواء خارجية مريحة.
The Rotary Club of Amman Citadel's President, Mahfouz Said and his wife Rana, hosted a dinner social gathering and warmly welcomed the club's members and friends at their residence. Guests enjoyed this unique evening over delicious food and an elegant garden setup with a relaxing, outdoor atmosphere.
Dinner social gathering 2022-08-08 21:00:00Z 0

Rotary International President Message - July 2021

Posted on Jul 01, 2021
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I wish each of you and your families a great Rotary New Year! Together, let us make it the best year of our lives, by making it a year to grow more and do more. Let this be a year of changemakers, and let us begin with our membership.
Rotary International President Message - July 2021 2021-06-30 21:00:00Z 0

Security While Cyber Shopping

Posted on Jan 28, 2019
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"The largest threat to nations is cyber security", this is what Mr. Tamer Al-Ajrami stated while talking to the club about cyber security.
Security While Cyber Shopping 2019-01-27 22:00:00Z 0
GOLA: Hands to Save Small Hearts 2019-01-13 22:00:00Z 0
Mahfouz Said to Join our Club 2019-01-06 22:00:00Z 0

Club Elections

Posted on Dec 10, 2018
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The club assembled on Monday 10th of December to elect a new leader for the club for RY 2020-2021, and the board of directors who will serve with PE. Raed Massis in RY 2019-2020.
Club Elections 2018-12-09 22:00:00Z 0
Lynn Malkawi & Ghadah Barakat Joins our Family 2018-12-03 22:00:00Z 0

District Governor's Visit

Posted on Dec 04, 2018
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"This is a 5-star club whose experience should be shared with other clubs". That's how DG Michel Jazzar summarized his impression about the Rotary Club of Amman Citadel during his visit to the club.
District Governor's Visit 2018-12-03 22:00:00Z 0

District Governor's Message - December 2018

Posted on Dec 01, 2018
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Dear friends,
The past five months have granted me the opportunity to meet, during my official visits, almost ALL clubs in Armenia, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Lebanon and UAE. DGE Shawkat Tadros with AG Michel Fasheh have visited Palestine RCs and AG Esmat Mehaimed will visit the Club of Khartoum in Sudan. I would like to thank Shawkat, (Sheikh) Michel and Esmat. I wish I could visit those two countries where I will make good fellowship.
District Governor's Message - December 2018 2018-11-30 22:00:00Z 0

Rotary International President Message - December 2018

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It's traditional that the first Rotarian magazine of the Rotary year carries a profile of the incoming RI president and his or her family. I've always read those profiles with interest, never giving much thought to the possibility that one day, I might be the one bringing a writer from the magazine to my Rotary club meeting! I have never liked a lot of attention, and the idea of having my picture on the magazine cover made me a bit uncomfortable. But when I saw the photo the editors chose, I smiled. Because the star of that picture definitely isn't me, or even my wife, Esther. It's the flock of flamingos, none of which could care less about Rotary, all strutting past us in the same direction. All of them — except one.
Rotary International President Message - December 2018 2018-11-30 22:00:00Z 0

How Rotary negotiated with the Taliban in Pakistan

Posted by Dave King on Nov 29, 2018
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The President of Rotary International has saluted the efforts of a Rotary member who persuaded the Taliban to lay down their arms to allow for polio immunisation of young children in Pakistan.

Barry Rassin praised the bravery of Aziz Memon from Rotary’s Pakistan PolioPlus committee, who negotiated with the armed group to allow the immunisations to go ahead.


How Rotary negotiated with the Taliban in Pakistan Dave King 2018-11-28 22:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Foundation: What It Is 2018-11-25 22:00:00Z 0

Zone 20B Institute

Posted on Nov 11, 2018
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Our club members joined Rotary leaders in the District, Zone and globally in an institute that has been held in District 2452 in general and in Jordan in particular for the first time. The institute was inaugrated by H.R.H Prince Al-Hassan bin Talal who was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship for his efforts in promoting peace, integrity and human rights.
Zone 20B Institute 2018-11-10 22:00:00Z 0

Polio Walk

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"We are THIS close to end Polio"... That's what Rotarians and their friends were telling the community on the 3rd of November during a Polio Walk organized by the Polio Committee in Jordan.
Polio Walk 2018-11-02 22:00:00Z 0

District Governor Message - November 2018

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Dear friends,

November is the RI month dedicated to the Rotary Foundation, our foundation. 
100 years ago, things seemed to be less complicated compared to how society has evolved and to the challenges we are facing today. Although we know what Arch Klumph, the Rotary International president at that time, imagined and proved could be accomplished, we can confidently say that the founder of the Rotary Foundation was insightful. It is equally true that those who followed his footsteps and stayed loyal to the Rotarian principles have managed to build an extremely powerful organization despite the critical time and all the crisis that have spread worldwide. 
District Governor Message - November 2018 2018-10-31 22:00:00Z 0

Rotary International President Message - November 2018

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One early June, more than 30 years ago, I had a business trip scheduled to Las Vegas. I had been a Rotarian for about six years, and I thought of myself as an active member: I attended every meeting, I’d served as club secretary, I knew everyone in my club. But for me, Rotary was very much a community organization. It connected me to Nassau and perhaps even to the Bahamas — but no farther. 
Rotary International President Message - November 2018 2018-10-31 22:00:00Z 0


Posted on Oct 22, 2018
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Dr. Nidal Al-Khatib was hosted by our club to talk about Endocrine in general and Thyroid in particular
Endocrine 2018-10-21 21:00:00Z 0
The Impact of Economic Development on Societies 2018-10-14 21:00:00Z 0

Abdallah Mazahreh Joins our Family

Posted on Oct 08, 2018
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Today marked a happy day in the club this year, where a previous Rotarian rejoined Rotary after 16 years of leaving. Abdallah Mazahreh joined the Rotary family again through our club. 
Abdallah Mazahreh Joins our Family 2018-10-07 21:00:00Z 0
Our Club's 6th Anniversary 2018-09-30 21:00:00Z 0

District Governor Message - October 2018

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October will strengthen discussions on economic and community development. Moreover, the Global Grant system, which support large international activities in the Rotary's areas of focus, will help respond to real community needs.
District Governor Message - October 2018 2018-09-30 21:00:00Z 0

Rotary International President Message - October 2018

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Every Thursday morning, I receive an email from the World Health Organization with an update on the status of polio eradication. It contains a wealth of information, country by country: where and how immunization campaigns are being conducted, how many millions of children are being vaccinated, and where environmental surveillance has found evidence of circulating virus. But every week, when that email appears in my inbox, my heart seems to stop for just a moment until I read the first few lines – and learn whether a child was paralyzed by wild poliovirus that week.
Rotary International President Message - October 2018 2018-09-30 21:00:00Z 0

Rotary Awareness

Posted on Sep 24, 2018
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As part of the country-level efforts to educate new members about Rotary, the Rotary Club of Amman Citadel organized a Rotary awareness session for new and existing members.
Rotary Awareness 2018-09-23 21:00:00Z 0

Climate Change

Posted on Sep 03, 2018
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Climate change and the accords and treaties to control it was the topic of an interesting session presented by Eng. Dina Al-Kisbi, the Director of the Climate Change Directorate at the Ministry of Environment.
Climate Change 2018-09-02 21:00:00Z 0

District Governor Message - September 2018

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Dear fellow Rotarians and friends,

First, I would like to welcome four new Rotary Clubs that have been initiated in May/June 2018, growing up our Clubs to 83, namely: 2 Clubs in Armenia (Vanadzor, 16 May 2018 and Yerevan Panarmenian, 30 May 2018), one club in Lebanon (Chtaura-Bekaa Gate, 19 June 2018) and one in Jordan (Amman Metropolitan, 22 June 2018). On the other hand, I am so sad to announce that the RC of Dubai-Deira has been terminated on 16 May 2018.

District Governor Message - September 2018 2018-08-31 21:00:00Z 0

Rotary International President Message - September 2018

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Imagine if we could take a snapshot capturing all of the work Rotary does on a given day. No one – except Rotarians – would believe that a single organization was capable of accomplishing so much. In that snapshot you would see dedicated volunteers working to eradicate polio, setting up microloans, providing clean water, mentoring youth, and countless other actions.
Rotary International President Message - September 2018 2018-08-31 21:00:00Z 0
Membership Cocktail Reception 2018-08-26 21:00:00Z 0

District Governor Message - August 2018

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Dear friends,

In Rotary International, we celebrate August as a “Rotary Membership Month”. August is the reflection of our contributions that aim at greatly enhancing this organization that we are involved in, as well as, an incentive to motivate others to join Rotary. Are we only people of Action or people of achievements as well?

District Governor Message - August 2018 2018-07-31 21:00:00Z 0
Rotary International President Message - August 2018 2018-07-31 21:00:00Z 0

Economic Renaissance in Jordan

Posted on Jul 24, 2018
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The Rotary Club of Amman Citadel joined with other Rotary Club of Jordan hosted Dr. Maen Qatamin, who talked about Economic Renaissance in Jordan.
Economic Renaissance in Jordan 2018-07-23 21:00:00Z 0
Club's First General Assembly 2018-07-16 21:00:00Z 0

Rotary International President Message - July 2018

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One year ago, your Rotary International Board of Directors adopted a new vision statement, reflecting our aspirations for our organization and its future. It reads, “Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”
Rotary International President Message - July 2018 2018-06-30 21:00:00Z 0

District Governor Message - July 2018

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Dear friends,

Here we find ourselves at the beginning of a new Rotary year, 2018-2019. This is a good opportunity to look at what we have accomplished over the past year, analyze our own activity and set ourselves more daring objectives. We should thank those who have led District 2452 over the past year, PDG 2017-2018 Christina Covotsou-Patroclou and a team who has achieved amazing results for all the Rotarians of our District.

District Governor Message - July 2018 2018-06-30 21:00:00Z 0

Warm Handover of the Year

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A great year was concluded by a warm handover ceremony over, where members and their families celebrated the accomplishments of the year and were recognized by P. Ghazi Dabbas
Warm Handover of the Year 2018-06-25 21:00:00Z 0
Musab Abu Taha Joins the Family 2018-06-24 21:00:00Z 0

Tree Planint at Al-Karak

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On the 113th Anniversary of Rotary International all Clubs, all Rotarians with Families, and Friends all across the District and the world and hand in hand went out to join President Ian’s Tree Planting Challenge to plant 1,200,000 Trees in 2017-18.
Tree Planint at Al-Karak 2018-02-22 22:00:00Z 0
Zeid Khoury & Raid Esso Join the Family 2018-02-18 22:00:00Z 0

Diabetes Awareness

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Very valuable information by Dr. Rashad Naser and Dr. Abdel Karim Al Khawaldeh about type 2 diabetes, onset and prevention.
Diabetes Awareness 2018-02-18 22:00:00Z 0
Microsoft Office Training at Citadel Internet Lab - Al-Karak 2018-02-09 22:00:00Z 0

RC Amman Citadel Annual Scholarships Event

Posted on Jan 27, 2018
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As promised by the club, Citadel Club and for the 2nd year in a row has planned and executed its annual event that aims to promote Rotary Peace Fellowships and UNESCO-IHE Water & Sanitation Scholarships.
RC Amman Citadel Annual Scholarships Event 2018-01-26 22:00:00Z 0

Alia Abu El Izz to Join the Club

Posted on Jan 19, 2018
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Ali Abu El Izz was inducted as the newest member in our club. Her induction was held during the Country Conference by DG Christina Covotsou-Patroclou.
Alia Abu El Izz to Join the Club 2018-01-18 22:00:00Z 0

RC Amman Citadel 2nd Computer Lab

Posted on Jan 13, 2018
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On the 13th of January, RC Amman Citadel successfully finished setting up the 2nd computer lab at "Darb al Khair" institute in Karak. Donating laptops and computers can make a big difference to support organizations and families.
RC Amman Citadel 2nd Computer Lab 2018-01-12 22:00:00Z 0
Raed Massis as Club President 2019-2020 2017-12-17 22:00:00Z 0
Companies Control Department - Projects & Accomplishments 2017-12-12 22:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Foundation by DGN Shawkat Tadros 2017-11-26 22:00:00Z 0
Transformation of Amman 2017-11-19 22:00:00Z 0

Al-Hussein Cancer Center

Posted on Oct 31, 2017
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Jointly with all Rotary Clubs and Hosted by RC Amman Ammon, Rotarians welcomed Mrs. Nisreen Qatamish, Director General of King Al Hussein Cancer Center. (KHCC)
Al-Hussein Cancer Center 2017-10-30 22:00:00Z 0
MP Qais Zayadeen: Civil State 2017-10-16 21:00:00Z 0
World Science Forum: Science for Peace - November 2017 2017-09-19 21:00:00Z 0
Health Inspection on Food Sectors and Restaurants 2017-09-10 21:00:00Z 0
Club's Annual Membership Cocktail Reception 2017-08-27 21:00:00Z 0
Sawsan Abu Omar Joins the Fellowship 2017-07-22 21:00:00Z 0


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A major pillar of successful enterpreneurship is the funding. That was the topic of a talk presented by Mr. Suleiman Arabiyat from OASIS 500
OASIS 500 2017-07-22 21:00:00Z 0

First Meeting of the Year

Posted on Jul 03, 2017
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Each year starts with full force on. This year was no exception, it started with an inauguration meeting in which the club demonstrated achievements in the previous year.
First Meeting of the Year 2017-07-02 21:00:00Z 0

President Bashar's Farewell Speech

Posted on Jun 05, 2017
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Rotarians Brothers and Sisters

A year ago I stood here amongst you to thank you on entrusting me to assume the presidency of our dear club. And here I am now expressing my gratitude to all of you for making this year special.


الأخوات والإخوة الروتاريين الكرام ...

قبل عام تماما وقفت هنا لأشكركم على ثقتكم بي لتولي رئاسة نادينا العزيز، وها أنا أقف اليوم لأعبر لكم عن مدى سعادتي وامتناني لكم لجعل هذه السنة مميزة وتعبر عن الكثير بالنسبة لي.

President Bashar's Farewell Speech 2017-06-04 21:00:00Z 0

A Great Year Concluded in a Warm Handover 

Posted on Jun 05, 2017
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A great year was concluded by a with a warm handover ceremony over Ramadani Iftar, where members and their families celebrated the accomplishments of the year and were recognized by P. Bashar. 
A Great Year Concluded in a Warm Handover 2017-06-04 21:00:00Z 0

Hypertension, The Silent Killer

Posted on May 15, 2017
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Hypertension is a silent killer.. its complications affect the entire wellbeing of the individual.. with some precautions and lifestyle adjustments we can reduce the risk of hypertension.
Hypertension, The Silent Killer 2017-05-14 21:00:00Z 0
RC Amman Citadel Harvest the Fruits of This Year 2017-04-29 21:00:00Z 0
Amman Citadel Welcomes a New Member 2017-04-09 21:00:00Z 0

Usama Barghouthi: Death of a Leader

Posted on Mar 29, 2017
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The Rotary Clubs in Jordan and the District lost yesterday a great leader and a genuine Rotarian, PDG Usama Barghouthi who left this earthly life suddenly and left us all in shock.
Usama Barghouthi: Death of a Leader 2017-03-28 22:00:00Z 0

RYLA Citadel

Posted on Mar 24, 2017
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We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can prepare our youth for the future; and the future of Rotary lies in the hands of our youth.
RYLA Citadel 2017-03-23 22:00:00Z 0

Medical Day

Posted on Feb 17, 2017
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Rotary club Of Amman Citadel finished today the free medical day to check your blood pressure and sugar level. 
Medical Day 2017-02-16 22:00:00Z 0

Establishing a Youth Internet Centre

Posted on Feb 10, 2017
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Rotary Club of Amman Citadel proudly finished is first Youth Centre for Developing Computer Skills, jointly with Hashem Abdallah Kteishat organisation for development. During which 8 laptops were installed. 
Establishing a Youth Internet Centre 2017-02-09 22:00:00Z 0
The Role of the IFC and the World Bank in the Jordanian Economy 2017-01-28 22:00:00Z 0
Leadership Styles 2017-01-22 22:00:00Z 0

Red Cross & Crescent Movement

Posted on Jan 17, 2017
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Jointly with the Rotary Clubs of Amman Jordan River and Amman Philadelphia, Dr. Meftah Tweileb from the Chief of Mission of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies was the speaker on January 17th.
Red Cross & Crescent Movement 2017-01-16 22:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Amman Citadel Elects 2016-12-17 22:00:00Z 0
Rotary Peace Fellowship Seminar 2016-12-04 22:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Foundation 2016-11-20 22:00:00Z 0

The Jordanian Tourism Sector

Posted on Nov 09, 2016
The Situation of the Jordanian Tourism Sector was discussed by his Excellency Issa Gammoh, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
The Jordanian Tourism Sector 2016-11-08 22:00:00Z 0
Rotaract Amman Citadel Hosts H.E. Yassin Khayyat 2016-11-01 22:00:00Z 0

Music and the Soul

Posted on Oct 17, 2016
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Ms. Rana Rizkalla the GM of National Music Conservatory shared some interesting information related to music, and how music can actually relax and heal the souls.
Music and the Soul 2016-10-16 21:00:00Z 0
Meteorological Disasters Prevention 2016-10-02 21:00:00Z 0
Cardiovascular Diseases for Youth and Living a Health Lifestyle 2016-09-25 21:00:00Z 0
Fellowship at Q-Restaurant Firas Musharbash 2016-09-18 21:00:00Z 0
Current Education Sphere and How It Can Be Correct 2016-09-03 21:00:00Z 0
Ghassan Harb to Join the Rotary Club of Amman Citadel 2016-08-28 21:00:00Z 0
Reflections of a Rotary Peace Fellow 2016-08-14 21:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Club of Amman Citadel Received the Gold Presidential Citation 2016-07-31 21:00:00Z 0
Haifa Al-Basheer Talks about Her Life Experience 2016-07-31 21:00:00Z 0
Water in Jordan and MENA Region 2016-07-17 21:00:00Z 0
The Year is Launched 2016-07-10 21:00:00Z 0